Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Lotus Traveler - Handy Commands

Resetting Sync Data to resolve issues

Sometimes users complain that folders are not syncing correctly e.g. inbox read marks are not transferring and moving documents to folder does not occur.  Or in worst cases folders not appearing on the iPhone at all.

In several cases I have found that running the below will suffice (note that you can use * for deviceid to reset sync data for ALL devices belonging to a user).

tell traveler reset <deviceid> <username>

Deleting Devices/Users

The guide below will show you how to delete a specific device from a user, to delete all devices or to remove a user completely from traveler please follow that guide a little lower down this post

tell traveler delete <deviceid> <username>

Open the traveler web interface and find the device that you want to remove from the user and open its properties, you can find the info that you need for the command here.  You can copy and paste this into a notepad file before pasting into the domino console.
Example command
tell traveler delete ApplD1231231232131  Allan Crumpton/My-Domain 

Delete a Traveler User Completely
1)  Run:    tell traveler security delete * <username> 
2)  Run:    tell traveler delete * <username> 
3)  Open ntsclcache.nsf and delete all entries for that user.