Monday, 2 February 2015

Citrix XenServer XAPI Not running


A XenServer node is not available in the pool - all VM's running on the server have stopped/migrated to other nodes.

When logging into the server via the DRAC card the following message is displayed:

"The XenA API xapi is not running. This console will have reduced functionality."

Resolution - lifted from

  •  The most common cause is that the XenServer disk has ran out of space.  Usually because a log file has grown especially large.
  • Open the console via Putty/any SSH terminal (The server will not be available in XenCenter)
  • Typr df in the console - this will show you the current disk use - you will see a "Use%" listed as the 5th column, if this shows at or very near 100% then disk space is probably the issue
My usage is at 54%

    • The most common cause of disk space being used is the logs in /var/log so do the following:
    • cd /var/log
    • Run the following command to see the size of all the files in the current directory; narrow down your search by specifying one file, if needed:
    • du –ksh *.*
    • If you see an excessively large file, run the following command to delete the file:
    • rm <filename>.log.
  • Restart the XenServer to recreate the log file and it restarts XAPI automatically.

Office 2010 - User gets an installation window each time they open an Office 2010 application for the first time


User who has office 2003 and Office 2010 installed may get an installation window each time they open an Office 2010 application for the first time


  • Click Start > Run
  • Copy and paste the following command:
  • reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • Hit enter, you will not see anything happen unfortunately
  • Launch one of the affected Office 2010 applications to check that the issue is resolved
  • If the problem persists - open regedit and browse to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options
  • Check the NoReReg value is set to 1